Inkarbekov Daniyar Bazarkhanuly

Senior Lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports

Education: higher

Phone: + 7775-375-32-30


Teaching disciplines: Methods of teaching volleyball, Theory and methods of teaching basic sports (according to the school curriculum)

Work experience in this institution: 6

Academic practice: 6 years

Higher education diploma: University "Syrdarya", 2014
Master's thesis: Regional Social Innovation University, 2016

Certificate of professional registration or professional development, indicating the period:
Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz State University named after I. Arabaeva, Institute for Advanced Studies of Personnel Retraining. M.R. Rakhimova from May 16 to May 29, 2018 Bishkek No. 0803 72 hours
In 2015, at the National Center for Advanced Studies "Orleu" he received a qualification certificate on the topic "The use of ICT based on electronic textbooks as a condition for the technologization of professional activities of teachers."

Membership in professional organizations: yes

Rewarding and Prize: -

Activities in the field of education: no