Janpaizova Vassily Mirzakhmedovna

Janpaizova Vassily Mirzakhmedovna,
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
"The best university teacher", 2014

Graduated from the Kazakh Institute of Chemical Technology (1979), specialty - Technology of electrochemical production, qualification - engineer-chemist-technologist, Yu. M.Auezova bachelor of engineering and technology in OP 6B07260-Technology and design of textile materials. Defended in 1987 dissertation work and Kazakh State University named after. S.M. Kirov.
Scientific direction;
- technologies in the textile and light industry
- imparting special properties to textile materials;
Scientific publications: more than 197, (57 articles in the journal indexed in the Scopus database, 2 monographs, 38 textbooks and manuals in the field of textile and light industry, Hirschi-2 index) .
Developer of educational programs for bachelor's degree 6B07261 - "Innovative textiles, design and decor", 6B07260, master's degree 7M07260 and doctoral studies 8D07206 - "Technology and design of textile materials".
Scientific supervisor of the grant project AP05131936 "Scientific substantiation and development of technology for imparting medicinal properties to textile dressings and assessing their quality" 2018-2020.
Scientific supervisor of doctoral students in OP8D07206 - "Technology and design of textile materials" and OP8D07230 - "Technology and design of light industry products".
Advanced training under the program "International organizations and scientific cooperation", the international academy CONCORD and the international federation FIGIP, Paris, France. Belarusian State Pedagogical University Maxim Tanka, "Pedagogical education of the 21st century: new challenges and solutions", Kazan National Research Technological University, under the program: "The relevance of the problem of the educational activities of a teacher in the context of digitalization of education", 2021 and at light and textile enterprises.