Anapyaeva Saltanat Amiralievna

Year and place of birth: 1986, South Kazakhstan region

"Pedagogy and Psychology" departments

Information about higher education, specialty, diploma qualification, year of graduation: higher, International Kazakh-Turkish University named after. Kh.A.Yasavi, Bachelor of Education in Pedagogy and Psychology, teacher-psychologist, 2008.

Information about practical work on the profile of taught disciplines, experience: 1 year

Master of Pedagogical Sciences, (6M011100-Pedagogy and Psychology, 2015)

Subject taught, discipline: History of pedagogy, Pedagogical management, Innovative technologies in education, Psychological service at school, Practical psychology, Pedagogy and methods of educational work, Physiological and psychological development of schoolchildren, Pedagogy and methods of educational work, Correctional pedagogy, Innovations in preschool education, Management in a preschool organization, Ethnopsychology and national self-consciousness, Fundamentals of defectology, Family psychology, Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, Pedagogical management, Developmental psychology, Methods of teaching the environment, Methods of scientific and psychological research, Professional pedagogy, Social pedagogy, Teaching literacy and writing