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Information and Education Center
The formation and development of the Information and Educational Center is closely connected with the history and development of our university.
Department of of Postgraduate Education
The Department of postgraduate education is a structural division of the University that coordinates the educational process of the departments of the University for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel.
The Department of postgraduate education provides training for masters in educational programs in accordance with the state mandatory standard of postgraduate education. Persons who have completed the master's degree program and successfully passed the final certification are awarded the master's degree.
Department of strategic planning, monitoring and quality management
- Strategic development plan of the university for 2024-2029
- Quality policy
- University academic policy
Department of Academic Mobility
The International Student Department provides support to foreign students and students for their successful adaptation and integration, staff and other guests before and during their stay at the Zh.A. Tashenev University.
Tasks of the Department:
1) Creation of favorable living and socio-psychological conditions.
2) Harmonization of interethnic and interfaith relations among foreign students and listeners on the basis of a friendly dialogue between participants in the process of education and upbringing.
Career and Employment Center
In order to implement a number of measures for the employment of graduates the University work done on a number of the following activities:
- collecting information to provide of graduates working in the field, from the University, compiling information on graduates by faculty, in groups, in the field, to constantly monitor the to the employment of graduates.
Office Registrar
- Read more about Office Registrar
- About the department
Registration and Student Office - oversees the observance of academic rules and procedures, registers students in compulsory and elective subjects, keeps a history of educational achievements and calculates the academic rating of students throughout the study period, organizes intermediate and final control of education, and receives and stores personal records of students. department that takes into account the movement of students.
The participation of young university scientists in the competition of scientific projects
Syrdaria University prepared and presented 3 projects of young scientists of universities and scientific organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan to participate in the competition for financing of scientific projects and works of young Kazakhstani scientists in the field of applied research in priority areas of science.
The final certification of full-time students was carried out.
The final certification of full-time students from 05.18.2020 to 06.06.2020 is based on the order of the Syrdariya University No. 20 dated May 11, 2020, which ensures compliance with the requirements of academic integrity and transparency with a comprehensive exam and online dissertation defense.