Open lesson on "Cooking Technology"
Open lesson on "Cooking Technology"
Topic: Technology of making transparent soup
Educational program: 5B012000 - "Vocational training"
Group: Co-17
Course: 4
Teacher: senior teacher Saparbayeva U.A.
The purpose of the lesson:
Accumulation and systematization of educational knowledge to explain the need to be a master of each business by proving that each profession has a place and importance.
International scientific and practical online conference “The heritage of al-Farabi in the world spiritual space”
Ұлы ойшыл Әбу Насыр әл-Фарабидің 1150 жылдық мерейтойына арналған «Әл-Фараби мұрасы әлемдік руханият кеңістігінде» атты Халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік онлайн конференция
Международная научно-практическая онлайн конференция «Наследие Аль-Фараби в мировом духовном пространстве» посвященной 1150-летию великого мыслителя Абу Насра аль-Фараби
International scientific and practical online conference “The heritage of al-Farabi in the world spiritual space” dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the great thinker Abu Nasr al-Farabi
Ismayilov Kelayim Berdalieva
2002-2004 "Syrdarya University, teacher of history and geography
Experience: |
Academic: Activities in this organization |
2001-2020: Marat Duissenovich Mamadiyarov