Girls' club "Syrgalym"
Girls' club "Syrgalym" opened at the Faculty of Information Technology and Natural Sciences on 25.10.2021
Today, family values have undergone many changes, and family relationships have deteriorated. It is necessary to help girls to find their place, to preserve their feminine qualities. In this regard, the girls' club "Syrgalym" was opened, consisting of students of 1-4 courses of the Department of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Information Technology and Natural Sciences.
The purpose of the girls 'club is to develop girls' spiritual and moral qualities, decency, politeness, thoroughness, morality, purity by providing them with comprehensive information about morality, honesty, behavioral skills, honor and dignity.
The work on educating girls' behavior is aimed at instilling in them such concepts as tenderness, place in the family, agility and skill, as well as beauty, love and good relationships. These girls are taught not only spiritually, but also to teach our girls to dress in national costumes and hairstyles, to form the etiquette of hospitality