VII Republican scientific-practical conference
The opening ceremony of the traditional VII Republican scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "The role of youth in the development of education and science" dedicated to the 30th anniversary of independence.
The opening ceremony of the conference, held in the framework of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, brought together guests from all over Kazakhstan. University students and young scientists invited to participate in the conference focused on the most pressing issues in the development of education and science in the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Among them:
Elmira Uaydullaevna - Chairwoman of the World Kazakh Platform of Young Scientists, Acting Associate Professor, PhD;
Abdraimova Moldir Rashidovna - Chairwoman of the Association of Young Teachers and Scientists of Kazakhstan, Acting Associate Professor, PhD;
Mutayev Nurlybek Saginbekovich - Head of the project office "Honesty Square" Zhetysai district of Turkestan region.
Nebesayeva Zhanar Orynbekovna - Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists of Syrdarya University, Acting Associate Professor, PhD;
Tasboltaeva Aidana Baurzhanovna - 1st year doctoral student of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai;
Ikramov Ilyas Galymbetovich - M. 1st year doctoral student of Auezov South Kazakhstan University.
At the end of the conference, the Acting Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, Associate Professor Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Abdurazova Perizat Adilbekovna thanked all the participants of the conference, moderators for the effective work of the sections, our professors and teachers who work tirelessly in the training of speakers and high-level personnel, research work.
The conference was held online in 4 sections:
◊ Section 1. Arts and Humanities;
◊ Section 2. Pedagogical sciences;
◊ Section 3. Natural sciences;
◊ Section 4. Business, management and law.
More than 100 reports were submitted to the conference, including more than 17 reports with the participation of students and young scientists from well-known universities of Kazakhstan, and the conference resolution was adopted.