Pak Irina Vladimirovna

Name: Pak Irina Vladimirovna

Phone: 8(72534) 6-14-63


Education: academic degree and title, professional qualifications, subjects taught, time spent at the university: senior lecturer

Academic experience: academic degree and title, professional qualifications, subjects taught, working hours at the university: methodologist of the representative office of the Russian New University, secretary of the representative office of DOSNOU, manager at the selection committee, teacher of Russian language and literature, senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages.

Non-academic experience: no

Certificate of continuing education or professional registration: Multilingualism and intercultural communication: topical problems of translatology (translation) and Russian studies.

Bilim berudegi interbelsendi емdistemeler men baғalaudylshemdik tehnologolary taқyrybyndagy biliktilik arttyru kursyna katysқandykyn kulandyrady.

Awards and prizes: no

Important publications over the past 5 years:
1. Linguistic aspects of the modern sociocultural situation.
2. Methods of teaching Russian literature.
3. Interactive methods of teaching Russian literature.
4. Practical course of the Russian language.
5. Professional Russian language.
6. The profession of a manager in a linguistic aspect.
7. Russian language.
8. Methodical instructions.
9. Postmodernism: the paradigm of V. Pelevin's satire.
10. Problems of language acquisition for special purposes by students.

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