Career guidance meeting
On December 6, 2024, a career guidance meeting was held at Jumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev University with students of Kurmangazy Secondary School in Sairam District of Turkestan Region. As part of the career guidance work, a tour of the university was organized for future applicants. During the tour, the students visited various faculties, departments and classrooms, got acquainted with the scientific and cultural life of the university, and also learned about the development opportunities within the educational programs. Head of the English Language Department, PhD in Philology Artykbaeva F.I. told graduates about the conditions and prospects for admission to higher education institutions, and also answered students' questions related to their studies and scientific activities.
The event was an excellent opportunity for students to find out why they should choose Jumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev University for education and how to enter the chosen specialty. We are confident that such career guidance events will help young talents make informed decisions about their future and give them a head start on the path to a successful career.
Open the door to the world of education and opportunities by enrolling at Zhumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev University!