
Education: Chimkent Pedagogical Institute, 1992

Phone.: +7 705 687 09 65, +7 778 543 84 69


A degree of professional qualifications: Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior teacher of the linguistic department of South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institution
Subjects: "Lexicology and phraseology of the modern Kazakh language", "word Formation of the modern Kazakh language", " Phraseological semantics»
A period of working in the organization: from 2011 - present.
3. Academicexperiences:
1992-1994  – teacher of Kazakh and literature of high school of Abayof district Tolebyof South-Kazakhstan area
1994-1997  – graduate student of daily separation of аспирантуры of International Kazakh-Turkish universitythe name of K.Yasavy
1998-2002  –educator of regional school-boarding-school №1 for the gifted children
2002-2006 –senior teacher managing the department of department of philologysocial pedagogical university  of Shymkent
2006-2007 – senior teacher of the linguistic department of South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University
2007-2011 – senior teacher of department of Kazakh and literature of International Kazakh-Turkish universitythe name of K.Yasavy, AIY 
2011-2017  – senior teacher of the linguistic department of South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institution
2018 – senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh language and literature of SKSPU

4. Non-academic experiences:the company or legal entity, the name, a brief description of the situation (full-time or part-time working) - no.
5. Certificate of professional development with the date or professional registration–
Certificate of “National center for advanced training "Orleu" on the theme "Educational program of advanced training courses for teachers of pedagogical specialties of universities "Innovative pedagogical specialties" (240 hours), 18.06.2016, no. 0130167

6. Memberships in professional organizations –- no.
7. Awards: - no.
8. Activity in the services industry (within and outside the institution) - no.
9. The most important publications and presentations during the last five years - the name, co-authors (if any), which is published and / or presented, the date of publication or presentation:
1. The concept of "Kazakh woman" in the worldview of the Kazakhs / journal "Bulletin of the SCSPI". - No. 1, 2015. - Pp. 122-129
2.    The concept of "happiness" in artistic texts/ journal "Bulletin of the SCSPI". - No. 2, 2015.
3. Teaching on the updated program - time requirement/journal «Science and life of Kazakhstan», № 11, 2019
4. Communication and cognitive training of the phrase in Kazakh/journal Science and Life of Kazakhstan magazines, № 11, 2019
5. Written works in Kazakh language lessons/Science and Life of Kazakhstan journal № 11, 2019
6. Work on formation of tolerant thinking of students of natural science faculty at language classes/journal Science and life of Kazakhstan № 11, 2019.
7. Formation of information competence through the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process/journal Science and Life of Kazakhstan, № 11, 2019.

10. A brief listing of new professional development activities, the authorship or co-authorship in scientific or development activities: - no.
11.If there is a supplement, you can point out the important activities that were not mentioned in the list of curriculum vitae.