Irmetov Utkir Abdrasulovich
Contact phone number +77027020202
Academic degree: Senior Lecturer at the Department of "Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education," Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Education: higher education
1994-2000 y. Institute of Oriental Studies, majoring in "Foreign Philology: Two Foreign Languages, Teacher of English and Arabic Languages"
2001-2004 y. South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, majoring in Pedagogical Psychologist
2000-2004 y. According to the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was a candidate at the Moscow Institute of General Education.
2006 y.
According to the decision of the Committee for Supervision and Certification in the Field of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, awarded the academic degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.
2009 y. Awarded the academic title of Associate Professor in the field of Pedagogy.
Work experience:
Academic: 31 years
1997-1999 Internship at Al-Azhar University in the Arab Republic of Egypt
Since 1999 Associate Professor of the Department of "Pedagogy and Methodology of Primary Education" at South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University, International University of the Silk Road, and currently at Zhan A. Tashenov University.
Subjects taught:
History Pedagogy
Learning Theory
Methods of pedagogy and educational work
Inclusive education
Pedagogical skills Modern pedagogy
Professional development
10.02.2024 J.A. Tashenev University «Digital Literacy» 72 hours Certificate № 0059
28-02-2024 Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai «Training of managers in the field of education» 80 hours Certificate № 000474
Scientific publications:
Author of many journalistic articles, textbooks and monographs.
Awarded various honorary certificates and medals by the Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and regional authorities.
Additional information Any work with a computer (Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint)