Prevention of corruption in one hour
It is well known that corruption significantly reduces the competitiveness of the state, slows down the democratic transformation of society and shock the country's international image.
Our goal is the desire to develop the state.
The University of Syrdaria held a seminar on "A Single Hour of Anti-Corruption Prevention" with the participation of teachers and students in the context of the Republican Action Plan.
The seminar was organized by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Candidate of Historical Sciences, docent Mamraimov S.D., who said that corruption is a factor hampering the development of society: "In order to combat corruption in conjunction with the teaching staff of the university, year.
In addition, 70% of examinations are taken in the form of tests. At the Youth Committee there is a trust department.
"In our country, the experience of developed countries in the fight against corruption is being introduced, for example in Estonia and Singapore, where technical communication is improving and the human factor is decreasing. The process of using the experience of advanced countries is also being conducted in our country, for example, the e-government portal many documents can be processed. "
Later, according to the program of the seminar, the senior lecturer of the chair "Law and Economics" Ikhlasova Mira Zharbosynovna, who spoke about the concept of corruption, spoke on the concept of "Corruption, the reasons for its emergence": "Corruption - (from the Latin word" co -ruptio "- contrition, bribe) means the power of public and political officials, officials, their acquisition, power in the hands of political, economic, military and other personnel and use it for enrichment.
"The duty of every person to fight the epidemic of the century, which hinders the development of state power," such a report was made by third-year students - Erkinbekova Feruza Nurlanovna, Abdimanapuly Aidar Shalkaruly. A student of the specialty "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages" Bektemis Meirhan, shared his impressions.
The country draws attention to the fact that a person disclosing corruption receives remuneration and personal protection.
This event, which is held throughout the country, will help prevent corruption, which has deep roots. We all must not tolerate this disease, and we must not allow unfavorable conditions.
Press-secretary of the University "Syrdariya" Seilikhanov NAGIMA