Ecological situation of Maktaaral district
On February 20 at 16:00 a regular seminar on "Current ecological situation in Makhtaral district" was held in the Biology building № 8 of the "Oasis" circle of the specialty "5B011600 - Geography" of the Department of "Chemistry and Geography". The head of the circle "Oasis" who conducted the seminar: Ph.D., teacher B.D. Isabekov and students of the circle. The seminar was attended by a number of teachers of our university. Head of the circle "Linguistics": Ph.D., teacher N. Seilkhanova, Head of the circle "Integral": Ph.D., Senior Lecturer B. Saulebayev, Head of the circle "Chemist-analyst": Ph.D., teacher O. K. Kulumbetova, the head of the circle "Programmer": Ph.D., teacher G.Salikhova and the head of the circle "Orken": Ph.D., teacher S.Abduova.
The first speaker at the seminar was a specialist in scientific affairs of the university N.S. Amanbayev shared his thoughts and guided the youth. Iskander Akerke, an active student of the club, made a report on the ongoing clean-up activities in the district. The guests asked questions and exchanged views. The head of the circle "Chemist-analyst": Ph.D., teacher O.K. Kulumbetova shared her thoughts on improving the quality of drinking water in our area. The head of the circle, Ph.D., teacher BD Isabekov, further citing the best practices of developed countries in the world, proposed to introduce some of its elements in this city.
N. Seilkhanova, one of the guests, noted that ecology is a very important issue today, and each of us should start with ourselves. At the end of his speech, he said that cleaning the environment begins with cleaning our minds. At the end of the plenary session the final speech was made by the Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor AD Transferred to Tazhekova. Noting that the pollution of the environment can be considered as one of the global problems in the modern world, he concluded that if we do not solve these problems, we will do our best to prevent them. The head of the circle B.D. At the end of the seminar Isabekov thanked the teachers and students who took part in the meeting.