The President emphasized the importance of the Address
In connection with the Address of the President to the people of Kazakhstan "New opportunities for development in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution" a propaganda meeting was held at the University "Syrdarya". The meeting was attended by the leadership of the university, heads of departments, deans of faculties and faculty.
Head of the Department of Law and Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Begim Serikov appeared on the rostrum to explain the message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan.
"Kazakhstan is currently implementing reforms aimed at withstanding global challenges, rapid economic and technical development. Therefore, the main purpose of the Address is based on news, new technologies, especially information technology.
This Message did not appear immediately, if not out of nowhere. The preconditions of the message have been developed for some time by the President, the Government and other bodies of the country. The main document aimed at entering the top thirty developed strategic program "Kazakhstan - 2050". It remains unchanged. We must accept the message as a continuation or an appendix. At the same time, the national plan has been implemented systematically for five years. It includes five constitutional reforms and 100 concrete steps. These tasks are nearing completion. This is also a prerequisite for this Address.
Last year, a number of policy documents and laws were adopted. They remain in force. The message is a continuation of that. It is a document that strengthens, refines the adopted programs and guides the use of technology.
The first priority of the Address is industrial modernization, becoming an industry leader. In this regard, first of all, the installation of new technologies, the delivery of new equipment, ie the organization of the transfer of new technologies. There is no time to re-create the technologies of developed countries. We need to bring a ready transfer of their technology, test it in our case, adapt it to our situation and introduce new technology. " "Development", "Introduction of modern technologies in the construction and utilities sector", "Restructuring of the financial sector", "Modernization of human capital", "Good governance", "Rule of law and the fight against corruption", "Smart cities". expressed their views on the content.
"The main priority of the Address in 2018 is human capital. In this regard, the President set the task to improve the quality of education, the quality of medical services, the development of a fair system of social security," said N. Seidalykyzy, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. He noted that the transition to the updated content in the field of secondary education has begun and the Department of "Pedagogy and Psychology" has a great task. Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Ph.D., Associate Professor SD Mamraimov. Wolf Jesus also called on the participants to unity and solidarity.
During the debate, senior lecturer B. Mutaliyev stressed the importance of sports in the development of health care, and the head of the student organization "Partners of the President" M. Bektemis expressed support for the tasks set in the President's Address.
Undoubtedly, new opportunities for development in the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead our country to the peak of modern world civilization.