Republican scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "New Kazakhstan: youth and science"
Syrdariya University hosted the traditional VIII Republican scientific-practical conference of students and young scientists "New Kazakhstan: youth and science", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the Teacher of the Nation - Ahmet Baitursynov. The opening ceremony of the conference began with a welcoming speech by the Rector of the University, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Tokmurzayev Bakhyt Salmanovich and Scientific Secretary of the University, Candidate of Philological Sciences, the best teacher of the university - 2021 Abenova Lyazzat Usmanovna.
The conference was divided into 4 sections
◊ Section 1. Arts and Humanities;
◊ Section 2. Pedagogical sciences;
◊ Section 3. Natural sciences;
◊ Section 4. Business, management and law.
A total of 196 students spoke at the conference. The conference demonstrated the creative and research abilities of students, their desire to find new ways to solve professional problems. The event became a successful platform for student interaction, as well as an exchange of experiences, raising the image of the university, enriching its traditions and values.
Currently, one of the highest indicators in the national and international rankings is the effectiveness of student science. Therefore, the university always supports activities related to the promotion of student research to the international level. It is gratifying that the interest of students of Kazakhstani and foreign universities in the conference at the university is growing, and international contacts are expanding every year.
The conference "New Kazakhstan: Youth and Science", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the teacher of the nation - Ahmet Baitursynov, has become a platform for discussion of topical issues of science and education in Kazakhstan and the world.
We wish good luck and success to the students who have chosen the path of science, the path of research! Youth is the future of our country. Youth is the backbone of the nation that creates the eternal Kazakh nation. It requires a lot of reading and a lot of knitting. That's why young people are always on the lookout. At the same time, this conference has a lot to offer students!