Independence is my motto, the eternal country is my motto
On December 13, 2017, on the eve of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of the University, was held a student conference on "Independence is my motto, the eternal country is my motto".
The purpose of the meeting, organized by the "Partners of the leader of the nation", consisting of students of the University, is to promote the value of Independence Day among students. The following students took part in the conference: Shamshi Gulsim, Zhuldyskhan Aygerim, Tursynkhan Aygerim, Kadir Sholpan, Galymbek Gulzhayna.
The conference was visited by the vice-rector for Academic affairs, candidate of historical sciences, associate professor S.D. Mamraimov, vice-rector for education and social issues, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor N.S.Tlenchieva, dean of the faculty "Humanitarian education" Isaeva K.A., chairman of the Youth Committee M.T.Sarsenbaev, head of professional practice N.S.Faiziev and other teachers and students, the President of the student organization M.Bektemis awarded a letter of thanks.
After the conference, the active members of the organization organized a festive evening dedicated to the "Leaders of the Nation".
The future of the country is in the hands of young people.