International scientific-theoretical conference of peoples of Turkic origin
On June 9, 2021 at 11:00, an international scientific and theoretical conference on the topic "Modern Kazakh language and literature: problems and solutions", organized by the Nokus State Pedagogical Institute named after I. Azhiniyaz and the "Kazakh language and literature" department of the "Syrdariya" university. The conference was attended by scientists, undergraduates and students of Turkic origin from near and far abroad (Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan).
Having received a special invitation to the conference, Candidate of Philology Abenova Lazzat Usmanovna, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature of the University of "Syrdaria", spoke at the plenary session with a report "Secrets of the world in the work of Abai." Numerous scientific works have been written on the history, culture and literature of the Turkic peoples. Talented talents of the Kazakh people: world scientists contributed to this in every possible way. The expanses of the Kazakh steppe are so vast that the recognition of the Turkic world, the discovery of the secrets of the world of Abai as one of his geniuses requires great depth and perfection. The world of Abai is a whole world. This is the essence of the world. Therefore, in the works of Abai, we can comprehend the secrets of the whole world and see wonderful secrets.
The conference was chaired by the rector of the Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz Otemuratov B.P. He began with a congratulatory speech and wished all the participants good luck. The following reports were presented at the plenary session:
1. "Türkiye'de kazak türkçesinin ve edebiyatinin öğretimi üzerine" - Ercan ALKAYA, Mehtap ÖZTÜRK - Doctor of Philology, Professor. Firat University of the Republic of Turkey, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Modern Turkic Languages and Literature;
2. "The Mystery of the World in Abai's Creativity" - Abenova Lazzat Usmanovna - Candidate of Philology, Acting associate professor, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Turkestan region, the city of Zhetysay. Syrdaria University, Department of Kazakh Language and Literature;
3M. Auezov and the literature of the Turkic peoples "- Kartaeva Aizhan Maratbekovna - Doctor of Philology, East Kazakhstan University named after S. Amanzholova, director of the N.I. Abay;
4. "Thoughtful lyrics in ancient Greek poetry" - Koblanov Zholaman Taubaevich - candidate of philological sciences, professor. Caspian Technological and Engineering University named after Sh. Yessenov, Republic of Kazakhstan;
5. "Problems of literary-typological relations" - Bekbergenova Maria Dosbergenovna. - Associate Professor of the Department of Karakalpak Literature, Candidate of Philological Sciences, N.G. Ajiniyaz;
6. "Typology of the epic and epic genre" - Bekbergenova MD - Associate Professor of the Department of Karakalpak Literature, Ph.D. Ajiniyaz;
7. "Problems of publication and research of aitys in the literature of kindred peoples" - BA Davletov. - Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor. NMPI them. Ajiniyaz, Dean of the Faculty of Turkish Languages;
8. "Problems of studying the Kazakh language in Karakalpakstan" - Kuttymuratova Yu. - Doctor of Philosophy. Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz, Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature;
9. “A few words about the studies of Kazakh philology in Karakalpakstan” - T.A. Tortkulbaeva. Yerzhanova N. - Doctor of Philology. Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Azhiniyaz, Department of Kazakh Language and Literature; Master's student of the Kazakh language and literature.
The conference was held in an atmosphere of kindness, brotherhood and closeness. The question was raised about the common spiritual values of the Turkic peoples, which gave a new direction to the field of Turkic studies.