Today, a ceremonial event dedicated to the Knowledge Day was held for students at Zhumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev University.
Z. Tashenev University gives priority not only to technical specialties, but also to humanitarian specialties, undertakes the formation of a new generation of modern engineers and industrialists, provides education in the fields of technical agriculture, service and veterinary medicine, taking into account the requirements of employers.
In addition to 35 bachelor's degree specialties and 10 master's degree specialties, the university is opening the specialties "Business Administration" and "Information Management Systems", which are taught entirely in English. In the future, foreign professors will be able to teach and be sent to foreign countries under academic mobility programs.
Also, in order to create favorable conditions for students, a Coworking Center and a Student House have been opened.
This year, 9,411 students received their education at the educational institution, and 4,268 graduates became specialists. Also, 1,031 students received a master's degree, 811 - a master's degree.
Based on the results of admission in 2024, 20 students with "Golden Badges", 50 Certificates of Excellence, 8 Presidential Medals, 14 winners of International and Republican Olympiads, 12 IELTS certificates were selected and accepted as students.
Under the state grant - 96 students, under "Teshenev Tartuy" - 150 students, under the "People of Kazakhstan" Foundation - 5 students, under the akim's grant - 49 students. The event was attended by: Chairman of the Board of the Joint-Stock Company "Zh. Tashenev", Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor - Ayashev Onalbay Ayashuly, Chairman of the Shymkent Veterans Organization - Tolebayev Kenzhekhan Atakululy, Rector of the University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor - Baybolov Kanat Seitzhanuly, as well as guests, students and parents. At the festive evening, the scholarship holders were presented with special certificates, and the management and faculty of the university expressed warm wishes to future students.