Surveys conducted in the 2024-2025 academic year
► Expert report of the "Adaptation to University" survey of 1st-year students (6 students)
Surveys conducted in the 2023-2024 academic year
► Expert report of the 1st-year students' "Adaptation to University" survey (8 students)
► Final report of the survey "Students' satisfaction with educational results" (6В02111 "Fashion industry", 19)
► Analytical report of the survey "Through the eyes of a teacher and student" (6B02111 "Fashion industry")
► Expert report of the 1st-year students' "Adaptation to University" survey (6В06102 Information systems, 42)
► Final report of the survey "Students' satisfaction with educational results" ("6В06102 Information systems", 57)
► Analytical report of the survey "Teacher through student eyes" (6B04202 - Business and law, 18)
Online surveys
1. “The fight against corruption”
2. "Satisfaction of students with higher educational institution"
3. "Students' satisfaction with educational results"
4. "Satisfaction of university students with support services provided to them"
5. Survey "Teacher through student eyes".
6. Survey of the employer's satisfaction with the quality of training of graduates