The bright future of New Kazakhstan is in the hands of talented youth
The driving force of any society is the rising young generation. The future of a country with active youth and advanced thinking will be bright. After all, talented youth can contribute to the formation of a bright future for New Kazakhstan. In this direction, large-scale work is being carried out in the country within the framework of the "Comprehensive plan for supporting the youth of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2021-2025". The problem of youth did not escape the attention of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Kemeluly Tokayev. At the initiative of the President, several state programs have been adopted and specific work is being carried out to take care of Kazakhstani youth, protect them from various negative trends, and implement advanced ideas of youth. In particular, “Protection of youth from drug addiction and drug dealing”, “Prevention of terrorist acts”, “Formation of anti-corruption consciousness”, “Opening new jobs for the purpose of employment of youth”, as well as families from socially vulnerable groups, special attention is paid to such important issues as allocation of educational grants to students.
Most of the above state programs aimed at supporting youth are implemented in higher educational institutions of the country. The only proof of this is that the higher educational institution named after Zhumabek Akhmetuly Tashenev, a noble son of the Kazakh people, statesman and public figure, pays special attention to the education of young people studying here. On the agenda of the administration of the university is the issue of the effective use of free time of students within the walls of the university. In addition, a comprehensive plan for organizing seminars and trainings was approved in order to improve the legal and financial literacy of young people studying at the university. The purpose of the event is to increase the responsibility of young people to society, learn about their rights, not commit crimes in a public environment and prevent the commission of crimes or bad deeds by other people, strengthen the rule of law in our independent, democratic, secular state, form a passion for the Motherland and true patriotic feelings . Only if young people develop patriotic feelings and convictions in relation to their native land, our common Motherland - Kazakhstan, where they live, will reasonable people appear who will find refuge in the country.
Our wise people have a saying: "From a precious stone, from youth, wisdom." It is clear that today's youth, educated in domestic universities, tomorrow will become faithful workers who will serve our Motherland. It is known that enthusiastic and creative people will be selected from among the youth only if they are able to recognize and support their natural gift and talent. In this direction, on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the university, a competition is organized under the name "Tashenev's Talented Youth" among students of 1-3 courses studying here. The purpose of the competition is to identify talented, gifted young people who are interested in science and art, sports and social development. Students can submit written applications for the competition offline and online. Applications will be accepted until February 15, 2023, and a specially created commission will carry out the selection of applications. Students selected by the decision of the commission will be involved in responsible work in the direction of increasing the potential of our university, and they will be supported by the administration.
As mentioned above, within the framework of state programs implemented by the Head of State, systematic work was carried out at the university. Especially after the “January Incident”, the issue of ensuring order and political stability in the public environment is in the center of attention of the state. In connection with the importance attached at the state level, meetings are organized with students (students, undergraduates) on the issues of "Protection of youth from drug addiction and drug business", "Prevention of terrorist acts" and explanatory work is being carried out. In addition, university staff conduct explanatory and informational work with young people through special programs of the Ontustik TV channel. In the new academic year, students enrolled in the number of students are subject to the internal regulations of the university, based on the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", such as the "Regulations on the Ethics Council", "Code of Academic Integrity", "Regulations on self-government". Regulations on students of the university”, “Regulations on accommodation in student houses (dormitories)”.
Indeed, in the strategic plan for the development of the University named after Zh. Tashenev, which was established in 1998, priority was given to student education. The mission of the university is to train qualified specialists according to international standards by providing quality education to well-educated and talented youth. In addition to educating the youth, the focus is on increasing the number of demanding individuals who will reveal their natural talents and abilities and work tirelessly for the good of the future of our country. In this direction, we are confident that the new generation, which will shape the bright future of the new Kazakhstan, will be filled and mature if young people are given a systematic education.
Vice-rector for social and educational work of the Zh. Tashenev University, corresponding member of the National Law Academy.
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