Tashbulov Normamat

Name: Tashbulov Normamat

Education: higher, TMU named after V.I.Lenin

Scientific and academic degree: Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences

Professional specialty: mathematics

Phone: 8(72534) 6-20-08

E-mail: info@sirdariya.kz

Courses taught: Fundamentals of Database, Algorithms and Data Structure, Database Management Systems, Architecture of Parallel Tests.

Work experience in this institution:
3. Academic experience:
4. Non-academic experience:
5. Certificate of professional registration or professional development, indicating the period:
6. Membership in professional organizations: no
7. Awards and prizes:
8. Activities in the field of services: no
9. Topics of the most important publications and presentations for the last 5 years, where the authors (if any) were published, date of publication and presentation
10. Short list of professional, research and development work, authorship or co-authorship in scientific and research projects: no
11. Additional information on important aspects of the service that are not listed in the resume: no