Ruzybaev Askar Zhienbekovich

Full name: Ruzybaev Askar Zhienbekovich

Education: higher, TMU. Tashkent Polytechnic Institute named after Beruni

Academic degree: candidate of technical sciences

Professional specialty: mathematician, engineer-mathematician

Phone: 8(72534) 6-20-08


Disciplines: Discrete mathematics, numerical methods, information and communication technologies (in English), programming of numerical methods.
Experience in this institution:
3. Academic experience:
4. Non-academic experience: no
5. Certificate of professional registration or advanced training with indication of the period: Theoretical foundations of informatics, Consulting company N&T, 72 hours, certificate No. 00118 / J-039/18, 08-19.01.2018
Dimensional technologies of interactive methods and assessment in education, Scientific Research Center of Educational and Information Technologies, 72 hours, certificate No. 170619-02, 19.06.2017
6. Member of a professional organization: no
7. Awards and gifts: no
8. Services in the service sector: no
9. Topics of the most important publications and presentations for the last 5 years, in which the authors were published (if any), the date of publication and presentation.

1. "Translation of the Kazakh Cyrillic alphabet into the Kazakh Latin alphabet", "Young people striving to know the future
IV International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists, Volume II, Zhetysay,
Oct 2018
2. "The importance of using the 1C system in the automation of computer operations", Journal of the Scientific and Methodological Center "ZIAT" article
3. "Methods of cryptographic data processing", Journal of the Scientific and Methodological Center "ZIAT" article
10. A short list of professional, research and development work, authorship or co-authorship in research projects: no
11. Additional information on important aspects of the service not indicated in the resume: no