Nurpeyisov Nariman Zhumashuly

Surname, first name, patronymic Nurpeyisov Nariman Zhumashvyly

Shymkent city, Sapak Datka street, 21 house, 25 apartments.

Phone.: 8701 390 62 17, 8 771 320 31 17

Year of birth: 10.01.1958
Place of birth: Krasino (now Darkhan) village, Saryagash district, Turkestan region
Nationality: Kazakh
Educational institution, year of graduation Karaganda State University named after E. Buketov 1985
Qualified by profession: Kazakh language and literature, philologist-teacher
What foreign languages or languages of the CIS peoples does he know - Kazakh, Russian - fluently, English - with a dictionary
Scientific degree, scientific title Candidate of Philological Sciences
State awards, honors: Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1995), Honorary Citizen of Sozak District (2018), Celebratory Medal for the 80th Anniversary of OKMPU (2017), Member of the Union of Journalists of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2009), Celebratory Medal for 30 Years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Professional development "Modern pedagogical technologies in higher educational institutions within the framework of updated educational content" (260 hours), 2019. "Management in Education" course, 72 hours. 2020 year.
Scientific achievements E. Ismayilov is a researcher of the history of literature. Monograph. (1999), The Turbulent Age Researcher. Scientific collection. (2002), E. Ismayilov and some problems of Kazakh literature. Educational tool. (2004), Independence. Course of lectures. Educational tool. (2009), Issues in Literature and Criticism. Educational tool. (2009), With national spirituality - to world civilization. (2010), Actual issues of Kazakh literary criticism. Educational tool (2010), Elbasy - Eltutkasy. Publicistic collection (2011), Abaitanu. Textbook (2013), E. Ismayilov and problems of literary studies. Teaching tool (2013), Methodology of teaching Kazakh literature. Educational tool. (2016), Current problems in the study of the history of literary criticism. Author of more than 300 articles and published scientific research books entitled Educational and methodological tool (2022).
Family situation: Married, partner, 3 daughters, 1 son. Has 7 grandchildren
Career path
1985-1995 Teacher of Saran Pedagogical School named after Abai
1993-1994 Senior teacher of the Department of Kazakh Language at the K. Yasawi State Technical University
1995-1996 Senior lecturer of the Department of Kazakh Literature, Institute of Oriental Studies
1996-2012 Senior teacher, head of the Department of Kazakh Literature, South Kazakhstan State University named after M. Auezov
2012-2022 Head of the Department of Kazakh Literature of OKMPU, dean of the faculty, senior lecturer