Ganiev Salimzhan Abdukhalilovich

Name: Ganiev Salimzhan Abdukhalilovich

Phone:  +7 701 546 99 11


 Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan
Place of residence: Shymkent
Education: University, Tash State University - 1983, philologist, teacher of Uzbek language and literature.
Date of birth: January 10, 1960.
Work experience: general training-45. Pedagogical experience 39 years
Since 1983, teacher of Uzbek language and literature. School No. 53, Shymkenta,
1989-1998 Deputy Director of School No. 53,
1998-2011 director of school No. 53 Shymkent
C 2011-2022. Teacher of Uzbek language and literature. School No. 53
In the 2021-2022 academic year, he is a teacher of Uzbek language and literature at the YuKGPU
List of taught disciplines:
1. Uzbek language
2. Modern Uzbek language
3. Contemporary Uzbek literature
4. History of Uzbek literature (12th-20th centuries)
5. Dialectology
6. Theory literature.
Achievements: Certificate of Honor from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbaeva-2014, Certificate of Honor from the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Medal of I. Altynsarina, Certificate of Honor from Akimov Yuzhny Kazakhstan Oblast and Shymkent.
Publications of experience published: RK, Russia, Republic of Uzbekistan, Australia, Turkey, Egypt, Republic of Azerbaijan.
Public work: Vice President. International fund Amira Temura from Turestan region, member foundation "Dustlik" RK.