Berdaliev Esenali

Name: Berdaliev Esenali

Education: Graduated from Tashkent State University in 1963-1969 with a degree in Physics and Electronics.
In 1981 he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Phone: 8(72534) 6-20-08


Academic experience:
1. 1995-2004 He worked as a teacher of Physics and Informatics of the highest category in schools №5, №34, №25, №35 in the Upper Shyrshyk and Parkent districts of Tashkent region.
2. In 2004 he worked as a senior lecturer, associate professor of physics at the University "Syrdariya".
4. Certificate or professional registration: -
5. Membership in professional organizations:
6. Rewards and rewards: 4. Non-academic experience: 1967-1970 - Senior Laboratory Assistant, Senior Engineer, Junior and Senior Research Fellow at the Electronics Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, 1970-1997 - Seismology Research Institute, as well as Head of the Magnetic Ionosphere Observatory served as. 1986-1987 With a state address in Luanda, the capital of the People's Republic of Angola in Africa, 1989-1991. For a short time he worked in the People's Republic of Mongolia as a consultant magnetologist and researcher.
7. Sphere of services (in-house and out-of-institution): no
8. Publications and presentations for the last five years - title, authors (if any), where and when they were published:

1 Demonstration and laboratory devices for studying the parameters of semiconductor diodes and transistors. Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference "Problems of research of the development of the industrial-innovation process" 2010.
2 Study of variations in the Albedo of the earth based on the registration of the ash light of the moon Materials of the Republican scientific-practical conference "Problems of research of the development of the industrial-innovation process" 2010.