Bekmyrza Sulushash Bekmyrzakyzy

Name: Bekmyrza Sulushash Bekmyrzakyzy

Phone: 8(72534) 6-20-08


Education: teacher of the Kazakh language and literature, Kazakh State University named CM. Kirov (1974).

Academic title: candidate of philological sciences (1998), associate professor (2002).

Academic experience:
1974-1988 teacher of the department "Kazakh language and literature" of secondary schools,

1988-1989 Pedagogical Institute. M. Auezova, teacher of the department "Kazakh language and literature".

1989-1998 senior lecturer, candidate of philological sciences, 2001 IKTU named after K.A. Yassaui, associate professor of the department "Kazakh language and literature".

2003-2009 Dean of the Faculty, 2010-2011 Associate Professor of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature at the University of Academic Innovation.

2011-2012 He worked as an associate professor of the department "Kazakh language and literature" SKSPI.

Since 2013 he has been working as an associate professor of the department of "Kazakh language and literature" at the University of "Syrdariya".

Certificate or professional registration:
1. Certificate of the international scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of teacher training."
2. Membership in professional organizations: the department is responsible for the research work of undergraduates and students (SRWS).

Awards and prizes:
1. "Certificate of Honor" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2007),
2. "Best University Teacher" (2011)

Scientific publications and presentations:
1. Modern Kazakh literature. Collection of lectures. Shymkent, 2012.
2. A set of tests on the theory of literature. Shymkent, 2004.
3. An introduction to literary criticism. Collection of lectures. Shymkent, 2007.
4. Works of Auezov and Abai's students. Monograph. 19 printing forms. Almaty, 2009.
5. Introduction to autonomy. Textbook. Shymkent, 2000.
6. The essence of the national liberation movement in the work of Auezov. // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Contemporary topical issues of teacher training." Shymkent, 2007 .-- S. 73-76.
7. Instructions for lectures on the subject "Theory of Literature". Zhetysay, 2014
8. Instructions for the seminar on the subject "Theory of Literature". Zhetysay, 2014
9. "Introduction to Literary Studies". Collection of lectures. Zhetysay, 2014
10. "Children's literature". Academic plan. Work program. Zhetysay, 2014
11. Methods of problematic analysis of literary works by the system of images. Zhetysay, 2017
12. Introduction to literary studies. Abenova L., Nurbek M., Textbook by S. Bekmyrza, 2019
13. Methods of problem analysis of literary works by the system of images, 2017.
14. Teaching a work of art, 2015