Abenova Lazzat Usmanovna

Name: Abenova Lazzat Usmanovna

Phone: +7 701 379 0424

E-mail: lazzat-0505@mail.ru

Education: philologist, teacher of Arabic, Kazakh language and literature, Kazakh State University named S.Kirov (1988).

Academic title: candidate of philological sciences (2010), acting associate professor.

Academic experience: candidate of philological sciences ICTU named after K.A. Ayasavi "Kazakh literature" (2006-2009); Al-Farabi defended she thesis on specialty 10.01.02 - "Kazakh literature" (2010);

Teaching disciplines: "Folklore", "Ancient and Khan history of Kazakh literature", "Kazakh literature of the XIX century", "Methods of teaching Kazakh literature", "Abai".

3 textbooks are recommended for publication by the Academic Council of "Syrdariya" University;

2 articles are included in the database of publications with a non-zero impact factor in the database of the information company Thomson Reuters (Web of Science, Thomson Reuters);

10 articles are included in the committee list; 4 e-learning tools;

Author of 7 introductory acts; conducted interactive presentations of lectures and other lessons;

Published 10 publications with students and undergraduates, the author of more than 50 scientific articles. His creative searches in the field of science have been published in various publications. In particular, he participated in international scientific and practical conferences, published more than fifty scientific articles in such scientific journals as Poisk, Kazakh Language and Literature, Science and Life of Kazakhstan, KazNU Bulletin, ICTU Bulletin, Life Sciense ( 2019) based on Thomson Reuters, Published articles in Russian journals, the monograph "Thematic and genre features of S. Mukanov's poems", the textbook "Ensgeiboy esim", textbooks for schoolchildren "Ancient Literature", "Introduction to literary criticism".

Abenova L.U. prepared students who participated in various competitions, they were awarded prizes at republican Olympiads and competitions (Fatullaeva G., Daniyar A., ​​Satuov B., Ermekbai E.), a student of the educational program "Kazakh language and literature" participated in the republican pedagogical Olympiad "The legacy of Abai in pedagogy of the XXI century", held on February 27-28, 2020 at the KazNPU named after Abai and took 2nd place in the Tanym team (Satuov B., Musa N., Kosan A., Toktar A.). Besides Abenova L.U. supervises research projects of students and undergraduates.

Non-academic experience: no.
Certificate or professional registration:

1. Academic Information Seeking an online non-credit course authorized by University of Copenhagen and Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and offered through Coursera.
2. Certificate of Achievement. Lazzat Abenova, has completed the following course: HOW TO TEACH ONLINE: PROVIDING CONTINUITY FOR STUDENTS FUTURELEARN

Membership in professional organizations: Scientific secretary of the Academic Council of "Syrdariya" University, vice-rector for educational and social work.

The head of the classroom "Abayology" at the department "Philology" of the Faculty of Philology and Humanities is responsible for the research work of students, undergraduates (SRWS) "Abayology" at the department, advanced training.

1. Awards for scientific achievements and educational work (1998-2014);
2. Diploma of the regional branch of the NDP "Nur Otan" (2012);
3. Diploma of Maslikhat of South Kazakhstan region (2013);
4. "The best teacher" of the "Syrdariya" University (2013);
5. Awarded the medal "Excellence in Education" of the Public Fund "Kurmet" -AB, South Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2014).

Publications and presentations over the past five years:
1 .Anthroponyms of old kipchak langyage: a new view. Мақала. Ad Alta-Joumal of Interdisciplinary Research - 2019. - Yol. 9. -Iss. 1. -P. 15-18
2. Linguistic nature of the terminological system of the beauty industry. Мақала. Opcion, Ano 35, Regular No.90-2 (2019): 332-345
3. Contemporary Kazakh prose and works of the writer M. Baigut. Article. Science and life of Kazakhstan. No.3 (58) 2018 B. 193-195
4. Searches in the modern Kazakh poem: based on the works of T. Moldagaliev. Article. Science and life of Kazakhstan. No.3 (58) 2018 B. 233–236
5. The novelty of M. Zhumabaev in Kazakh poetry. Article. Science and life of Kazakhstan. N93 (58) 2018 B. 237–240
6. The wisdom and innovation of Abai is the truth of the time. Article. Science and life of Kazakhstan. N93 (58) 2018 B. 260-263
7. The secret of the poem "Album". Article. Science and life of Kazakhstan. No. 1 (54) 2018.B. 22-25
8. New quality of education in the work of A. Kyraubaeva. Article. Science and life of Kazakhstan. No. 1 (54) 2018. B. 62–64
9. Natural lyricism in Kozhaev's poetry. Article. Bulletin of the Eurasian Humanitarian Institute, 2019 No. 4, Nur-Sultan: 189-193
10. Practical features of the application of modular technology in teaching literature (at the university). Article. Bulletin of Science and Education, 2019. No. 23 (77), part 1
11. Methods of studying Kazakh literature during training. Article. Bulletin of Science and Education, 2019. No. 23 (77), part 1
12. Spiritual continuity between the teachings of Abai and the idea of ​​the "Eternal Country". Article. YI Eurasian Conference on Linguistic Social Sciences. Samarkand, Uzbekistan, April 30 - May 1, 2019 - 120-122
13. Literature of ancient times. Textbook. Shymkent: "Asia", 2018. - 136 p.
14. Introduction to literary criticism. Textbook. Shymkent: "Asia", 2019. - 128 p.
15. Kazangap Baibolov A tall man named Essegei. Poems and epics. Textbook. Shymkent: "Altyn Shanyrak", 2016. - 688 p.

Brief description of new professional and design novelties.

1. Electronic textbook on the literature of the Kazakh Khanate Certificate of July 19, 2017 No. 1772
2. Aba studies Literary work Kuelik, June 13, 2019, No. 4002
3. Literature of ancient times Electronic textbook Certificate, June 11, 2019, No. 3929
4. Electronic textbook "Introduction to Literary Studies" Certificate dated June II, 2019 No. 3929