Suleimen Gayni Suleymenuly

Information about higher education, specialty, diploma qualification, year of graduation: higher, Karaganda State University, History, Historian, Teacher of history and social science, 1987.

Information about practical work on the profile of taught disciplines, experience: 32 years

Shyntaev Nurmakhan Aidynbekuly

Professional development:

    A 72-hour refresher course on the topic "fundamentals of digital literacy and distance learning technology". Research Center for Innovative Educational and Information Technologies .Almaty 2023
Academic training and consulting:    1. The history of Kazakhstan (for all students).
2. The ancient history of Kazakhstan.
3. The modern history of Kazakhstan.
4. Methods of teaching the history of Kazakhstan.
Membership:    -
Main publications:

Ualikhanov Ainur

Information about higher education, specialty, diploma qualification, year of graduation: higher, SKSU named after M.Auezov, "Cultural and leisure work and organization of artistic creativity" -0614, teacher, organizer of cultural and leisure activities in schools and out-of-school institutions, 1997

Master of Education Sciences (6M10300 - Pedagogy and Psychology, 2021)

Information about practical work on the profile of the disciplines taught, experience: 25 years

Turgumbaeva Akbota Seidalievna

Information about higher education, specialty, diploma qualification, year of graduation: higher, South Kazakhstan Pedagogical University, 0306-History and Geography, teacher of history and geography, 2004
Master of History (6N0114-History, 2008)

Information about practical work on the profile of taught disciplines, experience: 18 years

Subject taught, discipline:
1. Mekepte okytu men bagalaudyn zhana tasilderi
2. Innovation technologylar men mektepte oқytu processin uyimdastyru


Meirbekov Myrzabai Baltabaevich


1991-1995 - Student of the Faculty of History of the Shymkent Department of the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after H. A. Yassawi;
2000-2010 - Candidate of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh. Sh. Ualikhanov.

Arynbaeva Rana Anuarbekovna

Scientific title, position: senior lecturer.

Scientific direction: Autonomous studies
Teaching activity: practical Kazakh language, professional Kazakh language, 31 years of experience.
Awards and grants: 1. "For meritorious service" medal presented by the Nur Otan party (December 11, 2019).

2. Letter of thanks on behalf of the first deputy chairman of the Shymkent city branch of the "Nur Otan" party (December 11, 2019)