Mambetakunov Esenbek

Name: Mambetakunov Esenbek

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences 

Place of Birth:    Naryn region, At-Bashinsky district, with. Zhaky-Kuch

Education:  higher, KSU, physicist, physics teacher, 1965

Academic title:

In the specialty 13.00.01.-general pedagogy, 1992 professor in the specialty 13.00.02. - theory and methods of teaching and upbringing (physics), 1994

Academic title

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2000

Place of Birth:

Naryn region., At-Bashinsky district, with. Zhaky-Kuch




higher, KSU, physicist, physics teacher, 1965

Subject of doctoral dissertation:

Didactic functions of intersubject connections in the formation of students' natural science concepts.


2 certificates of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2 certificates of honor of the USSR Ministry of Defense, excellent student of public education of the Kyrgyz SSR (1984), excellent student of education of the USSR (1991), certificate of honor of the Kyrgyz Republic (2008), sign "Kyrgyz language" (2008).

The main stages of labor activity:

Physics teacher, postgraduate student of SNS, head of the sector, senior lecturer, associate professor, professor, head of the department of TOFE of the Faculty of Physics and Economics, KNU named after J. Balasagyn.


a total of 568 scientific and methodological works, 10 monographs, 18 textbooks, more than 40 teaching aids.

A short summary of the doctoral dissertation:

In the work, the role of scientific concepts in educational knowledge is scientifically substantiated, the stages of the formation of natural science concepts in students are developed; didactic functions of interdisciplinary connections in the formation of natural science concepts among students, methods, means of implementing MPS in teaching, as well as forms of organizing training sessions have been developed.

6 doctoral, 22 candidate dissertations were defended under the supervision of the specialties 13.00.01 - general pedagogy, 13.00.01 - theory and methods of teaching and education (physics).

Main works:

1. Формирование естественнонаучных понятий у школьников на основе межпредметных связей. –Бишкек, Илим, 1991. -240с.

2. Физиканы окутуу теориясы жана практикасы. –Бишкек, 2004. -500бет.

Мамбетакунов Эсенбек (1944) Доктор педагогических наук, по специальности 13.00.01.-общая педагогика, 1992

3. Педагогиканын негиздери. –Бишкек, 2008. -304 бет.

4. Методология и качество педагогических исследований. –Бишкек, 2006. -108с.

5. Психодидактиканын очерктери. –Бишкек, 2013. -170 б.

6. Педагогикалык жогорку окуу жайларда физиканы окутуу. –Бишкек, Университет, 2015. -494 б.

7. Педагогикалык изилдөөнүн методологиясы жана технологиясы. –Бишкек, Техник, 2015. -128б.