Spiritual bank account

We all know what a bank account is. A bank account is opened to collect funds and, if necessary, to withdraw funds. In life, you can imagine a bank account in another form, for example, for some there are four main food items, for others - the main thing is gold, silver or money, and so on. We can accept this when there are happy days or material crises in our lives and solve our problems. With this, everything is clear.

Now, along with this material crisis, human life is accompanied by a spiritual crisis. When we come across it, where can we get the resources to solve it?

Family conflict, divorce, mistrust and suspicion, raising and educating children, between friends and colleagues, etc. - these are all tense questions that are probably the result of a spiritual crisis.

For example, if a person who does not have extra money suffers material losses, he is forced to get help, a loan or a loan, because he does not have a bank account and savings. Likewise, when faced with a spiritual crisis, a person may feel depressed and confused about how to deal with it. It is well known that problems caused by a spiritual crisis cannot be solved by borrowing money from a bank or from someone.

Most of us visit a psychologist. I have no objection to this, because there is such a concept that if you do not have it, buy it. The psychologist perfectly explains how to live a happy life, how to communicate correctly, how to raise a child, and, so to speak, the formula for a happy life.

However, although life and its material world consist of mathematics, the person himself, I, the SPIRIT, the SPIRITUAL WORLD is not mathematics. How many problems can you solve by setting a mathematical formula? They say you just need to know the formula.

And a person is not only a soul and a body. That is, we can begin to materialize. In this connection, let us recall the words of Abai:

“Mind, soul and body are mine,

The word I and I have two meanings ",

let us also recall the words of Shakarim" An animal has a soul and a body, but there is no mind and feelings like a human. Here reason and feelings are our invisible values, our spirit. So if we have mine, intelligence, feeling, spirit, then we have spiritual nature.

This means there will be 7 billion different people on Earth. Thus, the formula for happiness that goes to one person may not work for another. He has many problems, his condition and life circumstances. That is, there are many reasons, but the basis is one, and, there are many truths, the truth is one.

Perhaps we need to distinguish between reason and truth. To do this, we need to open the spiritual bank account mentioned above. Now we all have our property, clothes, cars, houses, food, countries we travel to. Yes, we have to show them and that's right. However, these are not real WE, i.e. Me, who eats, drinks, travels and drives an expensive car.

If we enjoy our body, travel the world, eat and drink, will we not remain in the dark, as our great Abai said?

The world of ignorance is mine

Everything he says belongs to him.

When the body remains, the animal remains, and the soul dies,

So, think, what will happen to you? Yes, everything that we acquire will remain, and after all who will be our partner in the future, let us recall the words of Abai: Justice, arrogance, love and, your life partner.

This means that the spiritual bank account must be filled with JUSTICE, DIGNITY, LOVE.

A person who embodies these three values ​​may be caught in a spiritual crisis.

For this, we must not change the principle: "Open your heart to the oppressed, act, it will be useful for a long time to come." Benefiting for a long time, acting for the country, the people, the people replenish our SPIRITUAL ACCOUNT many times a day.


Author: Nurzhan Saparkhanuly


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