Language is an immeasurable treasure, a vast world.
Although the language is not broad, it is not lacking, on October 17, 2022, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi organized the International Uzbek Language and Literature Online Subject Olympiad among foreign students of higher education institutions. held at a high level.
Tasks consisted of 2 stages: writing an essay based on a picture and speaking. The knowledge of the participants was assessed by foreign and Uzbek scholars who are specialists in the Uzbek language and literature. In a sincere and friendly spirit, besides demanding tests, students enthusiastically participated and achieved high results. The participants won individual and team competitions and received I, II, III degree diplomas.
The 4th year students of the "Foreign language: training of teachers of two foreign languages" educational program of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Philology of the University named after Zhumabek Tashenev: Zulaiho Sobirova, Mardona Makhsatova, Aigul Amanova actively participated with their mentor teacher Shahlo Naraliyeva as a team, and their work was highly appreciated. , Mardona Makhsatova, Aigul Amanova took the 1st place, Zulaiho Sobirova took the 2nd place, and the team of Kazakhstan took the 3rd place.
Let each language be the ambassador of friendship! Let friendly cooperation last forever!