The contest "Model of a teacher of the XXI century"
On the eve of the 20th anniversary of the University of "Syrdariya" many planned and unprecedented cultural, spiritual and scientific events are held. In order to contribute to these initiatives, on November 29, the "Model of the Teacher of the XXI Century" contest was held, which was conducted by the senior teacher of the "Pedagogy and Psychology" department, Master of Pedagogical Science, Nurzhan Saparkhanovich Fayziev.
What should be the teacher of the XXI century and what is its peculiarity? What do we need to consider when it comes to a modern teacher? What training technologies should modern teachers use to implement updated content and so on?.
Find answers to these questions related to pedagogical innovations, and bring them to future teachers - that's our goal.
Special guests were invited to the event, in particular, the doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, the head of the department "Pedagogics and psychology" Musabekova Gulnar, the dean of the humanitarian faculty Isayeva Kulyayna Alikulovna and the highly qualified teacher from Saryagash district, the graduate of our university in the specialty "History" Tagamuratov Askar.
Students from 6 specialties from three faculties took part in the competition and presented their models.
In particular, students of chemistry, physics, mathematics, geography, physical culture and sports, music education.
As a result of the contest "The best model of a teacher of the XXI century", the winners in the following specialties: I place - specialty "Mathematics";
2 place - specialty "Physics";
ІІІ place - specialty "Physical culture and sport".
Students who demonstrated their profession in the competition and demonstrated their language skills, vocabulary, calmness and sincerity, sophistication, competence and skill in matters were noted in the category "Best future teacher". The
A first-degree diploma was awarded to Shirinbek Aidana, a second-degree diploma was awarded to Sadir Arailym, a third-degree diploma was awarded to Rakhmedova Kamshat.
Participating in the contest, which was held on the basis of intensive discussions, the students received many impressions.