An expert group of an independent agency for quality assurance in education (IQAA) carried out an external audit in our educational institution for a number of program accreditations within 2 days. Program accreditation was held for 5 educational programs.
Among them, works were evaluated on such important parameters as education assessment, compliance of educational programs: music education, history, history and geography, as well as finance and audit with qualification requirements, the effectiveness of educational and methodological work. The composition of the commission was very active in carrying out work on external evaluation in accordance with the schedule in accordance with the approved standards.
Among the members of the international expert group, together with well-known educational countries, scientists from Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and Saratov State University.
During the evaluation, the group representatives held individual conversations with university rectors, vice-rectors, deans and heads of departments for educational programs, faculty, as well as students and undergraduates. Rector of the University K. Baibolov told the experts about the features of the educational programs of our educational institution, a long-term strategic plan. The experts evaluated the teaching and methodological room and teaching aids in our educational institution. The experts got acquainted with the material and technical base of the new building on Konaev Street, as well as with the second building located on Gagarin Street, to which the Faculty of Physical Education had recently moved, and got acquainted with the student hostel.
After a two-day work on accreditation, the expert group expressed warm wishes to the leadership of the university. As a result of the inspection, they said that the material base is good, the employer creates comfortable conditions for students and teachers, their level of education is high, a modern digital system has been installed, and a high collective spirit has been set up.
In addition, a number of proposals have been made to improve the educational base and increase competitiveness. The experts proposed to make efforts to attract more students to science, to change the format of career guidance.