Seminar "Formation of anti-corruption culture and consciousness of youth."
Purpose: Resolution of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 01.09.2021. Implementation of anti-corruption measures in the message to the people of Kazakhstan
1. Yntymakov Sovetzhan Argynbayevich - Candidate of Law, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Law, Syrdarya University
The topic of the report: "Modern opportunities of the state and society in combating corruption"
2. Mutayev Nurlybek Saginbekovich - Head of the Zhetysai district project office "Honesty Square"
Theme of the report: "Fighting corruption is the main task of modern society"
3. Nurmakhanov Zhanbolat Sakenovich - Senior Inspector of the Juvenile Police Group of the Local Police Service of Zhetysai APB, Senior Lieutenant of Police
Topic of the report: "Digitalization as a solution to the fight against corruption"
4. Nuridinova Rauabanu Abytovna - teacher-psychologist of MSO school-gymnasium "Victory"
Theme of the report: "Assessment of the value of honesty and reasonableness in society"
5. Omarkhanova Aziza Serikovna - the leader of Turkestan region "Student Alliance of Kazakhstan"
Topic of the report: "Anti-corruption policy among youth"
6. Zhetybayeva Nurkhal Borikhanovna - G. Zhetysai Humanitarian and Technical College named after Muratbayev, Deputy for Educational Work
7. Abdykadir Abubakir Dauletovich - Zhetysai police department, district inspector for juvenile affairs
8. Slambekova Zamzagul Ainabekovna - Vice-Rector for Educational Work and Social Affairs, Syrdarya University
Moderator: Kopzhasarov Bagdat Maratovich - Head of the Department of Youth Affairs, Syrdarya University
Date: 23.09.2021 11:30 p.m.
Format: mixed - offline / online
Venue: Virtual library