The most important thing is the choice of basic materials for garments and their rational use, so it is necessary to know the properties of materials, their structure, their range and quality.
Specialists in the garment industry must first be able to determine the requirements for materials for garments, their properties and the evaluation of materials for specific garments. When working with materials, designers, designers and technologists need not only to know its properties, but also to know how to change the properties of the material during the manufacture of the product and how to use this change to create a specific shape or silhouette of the product.
The garment manufacturing process consists of the following main stages: modeling, construction and pattern making, cutting and molding of the material, which is used as a protective tool.
Clothing is one of the elements of material culture of mankind. At each stage of the historical development of human society, garments are subject to change.
It reflects the peculiarities of social construction, technical and economic development, as well as national culture, the requirements of people's life, artistic tastes and traditions.
Our main goal: to observe the rules of sewing with students of the educational program "Design" of the Faculty of Design and Art, the use of sewing in sewing, methods of working with a sewing machine, safety rules. Learning to measure and sew by measuring through the anthropometric points of the human body, using the basic grid of clothing, making patterns.
To teach girls to be careful, attentive, to take care of sewing machines and equipment while sewing.