Implementation of the external academic mobility program
In order to implement the participation of professors and teachers in the program of external academic mobility:
From January 31 to February 5, 2022, on the basis of a cooperation agreement between the Kyrgyz State University named after Arabaev and Syrdarіya University, the following teachers of our university conducted online lectures and were awarded certificates:
1. Apasheva Sabira Nurbaevna - Candidate of Historical Sciences
2. Atabekova Baktygul Botabekovna - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
3. Mamadiyarov Marat Duissenovich - Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor
4. Kazakbayev Zhandos Bektureevich - senior teacher
5. Sapakov Dinmukhambet Abdualievich - senior teacher
6. Utyupova Gulnara Eletaevna - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
7. Salikhova Gulzhakhan Khaltureevna - senior teacher
8. Tolegenova Dina Meldebekovna - senior teacher
9. Azimbayev Zhadger Azimbayevich - senior teacher
10. Keleskhan Arailym Temirkhanovna - senior teacher