International cooperation and academic mobility
Within the framework of international cooperation and academic mobility from May 13 to December 15 to May 24, 2024 for teaching staff, undergraduates and students of educational programs 6B04103- “Economics”, 6B04102- “Finance”, 6B04101- “Accounting and Audit”, 6B04104- “IT -management" and master's students 7M04104-"Economics" gave lectures.
The purpose of the visit of the teaching staff of the Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology is scientific and pedagogical internship as part of academic mobility, ensuring the quality of higher education in accordance with international standards, and increasing its competitiveness.
Academic mobility provides an opportunity for students and teachers to study and conduct scientific activities in foreign partner universities; a number of promising opportunities and advantages include gaining invaluable international experience in the scientific and educational field, expanding professional knowledge and practical skills, obtaining useful language practice, and gaining learning experience and communication in an international cross-cultural group.
The lectures were given by the following representatives of the teaching staff of the Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute of the Department of Economics, Accounting and Finance - Makhmudov Takhirjon Olimzhonovich - Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer Sobirov Otabek Olimzhonovich - Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor .
Representatives of the university conducted a seminar - trainings on the methodology of scientific research and technology for organizing research work, topical issues of modern education, conducting lectures, practical classes and research work on the topic: “Application and use of innovative methods when teaching students in the classroom”, “Innovative techniques and methods of combined classes”, Innovative development of the economy: concept, problems and solutions, “Innovative economics and innovative technologies in university education”, lectures were given on the topic: “Another step in integration into international cooperation”, “The scope of international cooperation between Universities”, etc.