Implementation of the internal academic policy program
In order to implement the participation of professors in the program of internal academic mobility:
On the basis of the agreement on cooperation between the University "Syrdariya" and the "Central Asian Innovative University" professors of our university, from January 31 to February 7, 2022, gave lectures and were awarded certificates!
1. Yntymakov Sovetzhan Argynbaevich - Candidate of Legal Sciences
2. Bakirov Yerzhan Amangeldievich - Senior Lecturer, Master
3. Ashirbaeva Nazilya Nurkanatovna - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
4. Tenizbaeva Guljazira Askarbekovna - senior teacher
5. Abish Yerzhan Torebekovich - senior teacher
6. Kozbayev Erlan Userbaevich - Senior Lecturer