A historic step for the future of the nation
The signing of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev on the transfer of the Kazakh alphabet from Cyrillic to Latin script is the biggest historical step.
This is because spiritual revival fulfills its lofty mission only when it is in harmony with language. In general, the strength of the state is the people, and the support of the people is the language. If the language is properly communicated and spelled correctly, the whole life of the state will be smooth. Only when the nature of language is preserved and used properly can people and states communicate well with each other. If the language makes a mistake, the internal and external life of the society, the people and the state will not go right.
What in the world is more precious for a Kazakh than his native language ?! The President, who thinks about the past and foresees the future, is full of qualities about the Kazakh language. After gaining independence, the CIS countries remained calm as they switched to the Latin alphabet. As a visionary politician, he was not driven by public opinion. He was able to correctly define the development strategy and tactics of the state. Now it's time to translate the Kazakh alphabet into Latin. To prove that the transition to the Latin alphabet is effective for the preservation of the natural state of our language, opening the way for the Kazakh language to enter the international information space through new computer technologies, the country's prosperity and strengthening spiritual, cultural, scientific and economic relations with Kazakhs abroad. inconsistent axiom.
Concerned about the fate of the nation, the congregation expressed their opinion that "we will move to the Latin alphabet." The intelligentsia cannot be indifferent to a very important issue for the nation. It is not easy to accept any news at once. In this case, we must rely on the great. What do they say? One of the great poets of our nation, the greatest figure of Kazakh poetry after Abai and Shakarim, Sultanmakhmut Toraigyrov, said: "It is ignorance not to feel that times have changed." Therefore, the President has made the right decision for the future of the generation in accordance with the changing times and times, the requirements of history.
I am confident that the new step of the Kazakh people, made in accordance with the requirements of the times, will achieve the ideals of the Eternal Nation.
Syrdarya University, Associate Professor of "Kazakh language and literature", Candidate of Philological Sciences Abenova Lyazzat