Social support and assistance provided to ordinary people by the founders of "Syrdariya" university
Due to unemployment, the social situation in remote areas of Kazakhstan is still very low. People in remote rural areas make a living mainly from the few large and small animals they have, as well as from farming. For young people in the village, the future is bleak, it is impossible to find a job. Parents in remote villages are often unable to send their graduates to higher education on government grants. Parents who live in rural areas do not have the opportunity to send their graduates to distant cities to study at universities on a paid basis. This is due to the fact that tuition fees at higher education institutions located in regional centers and large cities of national importance are too high for the rural population, so the pockets of ordinary people in remote areas do not always afford it. Of course, this is a negative social situation, which ruthlessly abuses the hopes of rural children seeking higher education. If such issues are not resolved quickly and radically at the state level, this negative situation is tantamount to abusing the future of rural youth.
According to official state statistics, Turkestan is one of the regions with the lowest incomes and the lowest incomes due to low wages. Given the fact that the Kazakh nation is usually concentrated in the southern region, the current negative situation, of course, will upset the open-minded, patriotic citizens.
However, there are citizens who work tirelessly for the benefit of the nation, for the benefit of the country as a whole, and serve the people immeasurably. One of them is Ayashev Onalbay Ayashevich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Onalbay Ayashev is also the founder of the Syrdariya University in Zhetysai, which has a history of 23 years and was established to solve social problems by attracting young people from remote areas of the country to higher education, educating them as spiritually rich, intelligent and qualified professionals.
Syrdariya University currently trains specialists in nineteen educational programs. Despite its remoteness, Syrdarіya University employs the best specialists in the field of higher education with a scientific degree.
The founder of the university - Onalbay Ayashev, on the basis of a special employment contract attracts a large number of specialists with academic degrees to the university, as well as creates favorable social conditions for specialists invited. This, in turn, is an important factor in improving the quality of education at the university.
Today, Syrdarіya University has all the necessary infrastructure and other important modern technical capabilities for higher education.
For example, the university has four educational buildings with a total area of 12,432 square meters, 4 libraries, the Student Palace "Kazakhstan" for 500 seats and the "Student House" for 320 seats, an innovative research center, a catering complex and medical services. The educational process at the university is fully covered by the Internet.
Favorable conditions are created for teenagers from remote rural areas to receive higher education on a paid basis. Annual tuition fees at Syrdariya University are significantly higher than at other universities, and there is a possibility of installment tuition at the university. Of course, this is a positive situation that does not burden the family budgets of ordinary villagers living in the southern region, which already has a huge income deficit. There is every reason to believe that this is a significant social support and real assistance provided by the founders of the Syrdariya University to ordinary people.
Yntymakov Sovetzhan Argynbayevich, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Jurisprudence, Syrdariya University, Candidate of Legal Sciences.