Assistance to the applicant ...

Zhana Zhetysai, district socio-political newspaper

There is a Kazakh proverb: "Every mountain is not far". I would like to say that if there is peace, in a short time this year's 11th graders will be scattered like spring chicks and will be on the great path of life. Of course, it is well known that everyone is an architect of their own destiny. This means that thousands of graduates arrived when they took their first steps into adulthood. Now they have to decide what path to take and what to pursue in life.
When choosing a profession, every young person is faced with a dilemma: to be able to find an answer to the question of which profession to choose, comparing all the pros and cons. To be an artist, an artist, a financier, a lawyer, an accountant, or any other profession, every graduate must feel himself, because such a feeling must come from the heart. Everyone - from an early age, a child begins to know what he wants to connect his life with in the future and what he does not want to go to. Usually, this problem (which is a really difficult problem, because a mistake in choosing a profession, as experience shows, leads to serious life consequences!) Occurs before graduation. Everyone can become an expert in their field if parents and school teachers guide them in the right direction.
Always ask the graduating class, "Who should I be?" There is an important question. Now this issue is very important, because at the job fair - the competition is very strong. In a market economy, this situation forces schoolchildren and their parents to think about this issue. The correct answer is that, as mentioned above, it affects a person's future destiny. It is especially difficult for recent graduates to find their place in the world of professions without getting lost and in the right direction. In the end, he will have to choose a profession that is important and interesting for him, necessary for society and meets the needs and interests of the labor market.
It is important to help boys or girls to find their place in life, as well as career guidance provided by the teaching staff of higher education institutions.
During the meeting with the graduating students, the prospective applicants were told: what specialties are available at the university, how and under what conditions to enter, what are the advantages of the university, what are the benefits and assistance in tuition fees, etc. issues are voiced.
The more we get involved in the subject we like, the more we learn, thanks to the quality of the material, the more the image of the teacher will be important not only in the field of education, but also in the future and possible career choices. After all, this is not only a successful or unsuccessful decision at a young age, but often the main decision, the first responsible and interesting step into adult life.
Career guidance is a set of specific activities aimed at professional self-determination of the student. Extracurricular and extracurricular activities with students are introduced to achieve career guidance objectives.
The purpose of this work:
- support the student in choosing a future profession;
- identify opportunities and aptitudes;
- propensity to any field of activity;
- development of a conscious attitude to work;
- activities in accordance with their capabilities;
- activities in their interests.
- conscious choice
- The specialty should allow him to develop
- compliance with the needs of society.
It is the task of university staff to teach students to understand the content of their professional activities and to connect the requirements for the profession with their hobbies and personal qualities. A competent structure of career guidance is the solution of tomorrow's social problems.
In today's society, some professions have become obsolete and are being replaced by others. The social situation in society is changing: purposeful, systematic work with schoolchildren is a topical issue. First of all, it is necessary to form the readiness of the student to feel the importance of choosing a future university. Of course, parents and teachers need to show interest in this issue in a timely manner. However, this often only happens in graduation classes.
Thanks to high-quality career guidance, the ranks of our university are replenished with new students. Providing information to prospective candidates and assisting them in choosing a profession is important for both graduates and the university itself.

BA ZHANDARBEK, Head of the Department of Law and Economics, Candidate of Law
AA RAYKHAN, teacher of "Law and Economics"


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