To give the right direction in choosing a profession is a requirement of the time
Republican socio-political newspaper
No. 11 (599) 03/19/2021
One of the most important issues on the agenda today is the definition of the future profession of the future leaders of the country. In the message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, from 2006, it was said that "... it is necessary to create a unified system for assessing the effectiveness of the level of knowledge and skills of each student".
We must not forget that the wrong choice of profession is not only a matter of the owner of the profession, but also of society. According to a recent report from the Ministry of Education and Science, 50 percent of university graduates do not work in their specialty. Does this mean that 50% of the state budget allocated for the grant training of future specialists will be wasted? Doesn't that mean that 50 percent of the huge amount of government subsidies is wasted when parents spend money on educating their children? The question arises, is it not in vain that 50% of students study at universities.
One of the most important things is to attract young people to work and guide them in choosing the right profession. A consciously chosen profession affects the future life of a person. It is known that a student capable of creatively developing communication skills in the right direction for future professional goals will develop as a quality specialist.
That is why it is very important today to professionally advise graduates. Career guidance is a very difficult issue that needs to be addressed. According to its methodology and content, it is psychological, pedagogical, physiological and social in scope. The result affects the economic life of society. At the same time, vocational guidance is an important tool for the reproduction of society's labor resources. The range of professional directions in the field of education is wide and varied. Undoubtedly, this work is closely related to the planning of education, further improvement of the education system. Young people who have mastered modern professions are in demand. The competition in the market is growing day by day. Today's need in the field of vocational education is one of the most pressing requirements for the training of thousands of specialties and professions in accordance with the natural characteristics of a person.
The teacher is the heart of the school. The upbringing of a new generation of teachers is a big task for universities that train specialists in pedagogical specialties. Therefore, the professors of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Syrdariуa have identified and systematically implemented specific measures in this direction, and the secondary school in our region works with housing and communal services.
After all, our faculty is a center of organized education that trains a wide variety of modern specialists. Every year 8 competitive educational institutions receive diplomas in various competitive professions. The rich material and technical base of the faculty, the laboratory "Robotics", opened at the Department of "Software", currently conducts special classes and courses for students, as well as students of the region. The Center for Innovative Research is an educational and scientific structural unit of the university. There are unique opportunities for talented youth and any applicant interested in science. In this center, mainly students of educational programs in chemistry and biology perform various laboratory work.
In a special greenhouse built next to the Center for Innovative Research, students develop their practical skills. You can get pure natural products without the use of chemical fertilizers.
Dear applicants, future young specialists, we invite you to study at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Syrdariуa. If you want to start your life on the path of true science, we will help you. The Center for Innovative Research is a center that opens up new opportunities not found anywhere else. There is no doubt that the research work there will direct you to the future. I think that every young generation trying to improve their future will not pass up the opportunity.
K.A. ISAEVA, acting Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.
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