№14 (602) 16.04.2021
One of the most important things is to attract young people to work and guide them in choosing the right profession. A consciously chosen specialist affects the future life of the individual. It is known that a student who is able to creatively develop communication skills in the right direction for future professional goals, will be formed as a quality specialist.
That is why today it is very important to provide graduates with professional guidance and counseling.
The main purpose of education, aimed at the global educational space, is not only the acquisition of knowledge, but also the training of well-educated and qualified young people as individuals through the skills and abilities of independence, inquisitiveness, healthy, changing environment. In order to achieve these goals, the issues facing today's schoolchildren are being improved every day. After all, the main people of our future society are today's schoolchildren. Therefore, career guidance at school is very important today.
There are three main tasks of general education. They are: to ensure the overall development of the child, a comprehensive worldview and prepare him for a future profession. Among these three tasks, it has been proved that as social development becomes more difficult, the most pressing issue is the preparation of a child for a future career. At the present stage, the task of general education is not only to ensure the general development of the child, but also to be able to direct them at a young age to a specific profession, depending on their abilities and interests.
Vocational guidance is an activity aimed at preparing the younger generation to make a conscious choice of the appropriate profession. Vocational guidance requires students to cultivate an interest in the world of professions, their content, features, requirements for the individual, combined with their qualities, the tasks of development of production, creative industries, its role in the market economy.
Ability is very important in the conscious choice of profession. It depends on the formation of a person's psychological consciousness. These are abilities, interests, values of the direction, professional plan, ideals, beliefs, etc.
Career guidance is one of the most discussed topics and topical issues today. Teachers of the Faculty of Design and Art at the Syrdarya University have identified specific measures to be taken in this regard and are systematically implementing the work.
After all, our faculty is a team focused on creative, industrial, vocational education and training of various specialists in accordance with modern requirements. Every year, a variety of competitive professions in three specialties receive diplomas. Our graduates work in different cities of the country - Almaty, Nursultan, Aktau, Shymkent, etc., and achieve great success in their profession.
If you find the right way, you will have the opportunity to build a useful brick in the world. Therefore, it is important to guide students, listen to the opinions of teachers and meet with professionals in various fields. To this end, in order to help students choose a future profession and develop their views on a useful profession, university teachers annually visit educational institutions in cities, districts and villages to conduct career guidance. Provide students with information about the material and technical base and history of the university, specialties.
Educational programs of the faculty:
6В01403- "Training of teachers of art and drawing"
6В01402- "Training of music teachers"
6В02101- "Design" educational programs.
Dear applicant! Choosing a specialist is a very responsible thing. Because the chosen profession is the future of your life, the future of society is the future of our country.
I wish you the best of luck and invite you to study at the Faculty of Design and Art of the University "Syrdarya".
Uldanai Saparbayeva, Dean of the Faculty of Design and Art
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