The Academic Council of "Syrdariya" University made an important decision
№10 (598) 12.03.2021
Syrdariуa University is a university that is transforming the remote Myrzashol region in the southern part of the country, bordering Uzbekistan, into a civilized and cultural region.
Based on the President's article “Seven Facets of the Great Steppe”: “It is known that in the minds of many people, historical processes are mostly personal in nature. Many countries are proud of the names of their country's special ambassadors, ”the university has an idea for the younger generation to know about their native land, the people who revived it, as well as the ongoing urbanization processes in the regions and the preservation of stability in the country.
The inhabitants of each region have unique people, whose names are remembered in the country, protected from the cold and protected from the heat. Young people and students should know all this. Therefore, at a regular meeting on February 24 this year, the Academic Council of the University made an important decision. The names of Ibadulla Umbetayev, Zhumagul Sauirbayeva, Spakul Maldybekov, Omarbek Nurzhanov, who took an important step for a generation in the period of spiritual revival, revived the Myrzashol region, the region of "white gold", were proud in the field of management, education, science and labor. In order to modernize, educational buildings were named and it was proposed to open centers in honor of these people. This proposal was unanimously supported by the members of the Scientific Council.
According to the decision of the Academic Council, the main academic building of the University No. 1 was named "Training Center" named after Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ibadulla Umbetayev, educational building No. 2 was named "Center of Science and Culture" in honor of the Hero of Socialist Labor Zhumagul Sauirbaeva, educational building and administrative building No. 3 named "Administration and Center of Arts" in honor of Spakul Maldybekov ", educational building №4 was renamed into" Training Center "named after Omarbek Nurzhanov.
The rich experience and inexhaustible wisdom of the people who revived the Myrzashol region, the region of "white gold", who are proud in the field of administration, education, science, labor, who ruled the country, are an important factor in society. It contributes to the education of young people and the continuity of generations.
Lyazzat ABENOVA, Scientific Secretary, Candidate of Philology
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