The progress of students is satisfactory
No. 06 (594) 12.02.2021
Quick interview
Rector of "Syrdariya" University Serik Dauletovich Mamraimov, at the request of his parents, gave an interview about the current progress of students.
- How is the spring semester of the 2020-2021 academic year organized?
- In accordance with the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 14, 2021 No. 15, Syrdaria University organizes the educational process in the spring semester in a mixed format from January 25. For freshmen in the spring semester in all areas, training is organized in a combined training format (lectures are held in an online format, and seminars, laboratory and practical classes in a traditional format).
Classes for second and third year students are conducted mainly in a distance format only in a combined format 6В01401 - "Training of teachers of physical education", 6В02101 - "Design", 6В05101 - "Biology" (lectures and seminars are remote, laboratory and practical. Traditional lessons). It is carried out in the formats of distance and combined training for fourth-year students (organization of diploma and professional practice).
The theoretical training of undergraduates is carried out in mixed learning formats.
And foreign students continue their studies in the format of distance learning.
- What measures have been taken for distance learning of university students?
- The university has created all the conditions for students to receive high-quality distance education. Distance learning is based on Platonus, Moodle, Zoom and WebEx.
The university has introduced a licensed program "Kabis" to create a modern library.
According to the resources of electronic libraries, the university ranks fourth in the top ten among the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The university website contains more than 500 electronic, multimedia electronic textbooks. Currently, the electronic library has more than 9250 electronic educational resources.
Audio and video lectures on this topic are uploaded to Moodle and PLATONUS.
All this information is located on the main page of the university website in the distance learning section.
- Are the quarantine requirements observed in the universities of the city?
- Yes, the quarantine rules are strictly observed at the university. Before the start of the educational process, we concluded that the educational buildings of the district SES (sanitary and epidemiological service) are ready to start the educational process and meet the requirements. The buildings are fully equipped with disinfection tunnels, disinfectants, disinfected rugs, antiseptics.
Students and teachers are required to wear masks inside the building.
Students are accommodated in the classroom, dormitory, in accordance with 50% of the rooms.
All this work is overseen by the Department of Medical Services.
- Did distance learning affect the quality of education?
- Of course, distance learning is a forced situation and will never replace traditional education. The quality of education of schoolchildren has suffered especially.
The United States and European countries are concerned that the quality of education of schoolchildren has decreased by 45-50%.
And pupils are adults, digitally literate, they know the source of knowledge, they are looking for it, so it was not difficult.
Also, in the system of credit training, introduced at the university, priority is given to increasing the independent knowledge of students.
According to the results of the winter session, students' academic performance was 90%, and quality - 74%.
Correspondent Arailym RYSKUL
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