Raimov Abdurasul Bakhadyrovich
Education: academic degree and title, professional qualifications, subjects taught, working hours at the university:
candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of foreign languages.
Academic experience: previous work in educational institutions, subjects taught, full or partial workload:
Saparbayev South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute (Senior Lecturer at the Department of Philological Subjects)
SKSU named after M.Auezov (Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages)
Non-academic experience: no
Certificate of advanced training or professional registration:
International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Akhmet Yassavi Topic: "The use of software and communication technologies in teaching Russian language and literature", Turkestan 2017.
Awards and prizes: no
Important publications over the past 5 years:
1. Teaching vowel phonemes in word forms of root verbs for students of national groups of pedagogical universities.
2. On the issue of classification.
3. Semantic features of vowel phonemes of medium elevation in Russian and Uzbek languages.
4. Inflections of the foundations of the verb word in Russian.
5. Acoustic and articulatory phoneme correspondences in Uzbek and Russian languages.
6. About the pronunciation of vowels in bilingual conditions.