Ethics and scientific honesty
Adherence to the principles of scientific honesty and scientific ethics is very important for scientific activity, the purpose of which is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge and gain public recognition. Principles of scientific ethics are violated in a variety of ways, from the careless use of scientific methods or careless documentation of data to serious scientific crimes such as willful misrepresentation or deception. Such violations contradict the essence of science, that is, the process of systematic research aimed at obtaining knowledge based on proven results. At the same time, they undermine public confidence in the reliability of scientific results and undermine the mutual trust of scientists, which is an important condition of modern scientific work, where cooperation and division of labor have become the norm.
Although one set of rules is not enough to prevent honesty in science, appropriate precautions can ensure that you are always aware of the rules of scientific ethics. This will significantly reduce the number of violations.
The above-mentioned norms of scientific ethics and their features form the basis of the general code of scientific ethics. Any higher education institution, as a place for combining science and education, is subject to the provisions of this important document. In this regard, the faculty of Syrdarіya University, students and undergraduates, in the coordination and organization of scientific research of young scientists, approves the provisions of the Code of Ethics and conducts research in accordance with it. For example, one of the important tasks set by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the mandatory verification of graduates' dissertations in the anti-plagiarism system. The university is successfully fulfilling this task. The university widely uses special modern software services in the examination of texts without author's reference. This, in turn, will help students to feel responsible to the scientific and academic community for compliance with the standards of scientific ethics. In addition to master's theses, monographs, textbooks, manuals, guidelines and scientific articles of professors and teachers are now subject to scrutiny in the anti-plagiarism system.
In today's ever-changing information world, it is clear that knowledge and application of modern developments is now a necessary competence for all business owners. In this regard, the university organizes special seminars on scientific ethics and norms of honesty in science, the importance of its observance. In addition, special seminars on this topic are held in Kazakh, Russian and English by the American company Clarivate Analytics, which is well known to the scientific community, and the Dutch publishing house Elsevier.
As the only institution of science and education in the region, Syrdarіya University is not shying away from global trends in compliance with the standards of scientific integrity and is constantly working to implement them. It is obvious that scientific honesty is a clear manifestation not only of the scientific and academic community, but also of the sense of responsibility to society as a whole and the level of domestic science.
Abdurazova Perizat Adilbekovna
Vice Rector for Research and International Relations, PhD
Syrdarіya University
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