"Bow to courage." Meeting with veterans of the Afghan war.
February 11, 2014 at the University of "Syrdariya" a meeting with veterans of the Afghan war.
The goal is to contribute to the eternal memory of the victims of the war in a foreign country, Afghanistan, and to introduce the veterans of the Afghan war to young people, to acquaint the veterans with the young generation of our sovereign country, to bring patriotism and love for the homeland to young people.
Veterans of the Afghan war Baktybaev Zhomart, Shatalayev Orazbek, Myrzaliev Mukhamed, Ibragimov Almaskhan, Bazarbayev Yergali shared their memories of the war. The youth department specialist Yermekbay Yermakhan delivered a report, and the students of the specialty "Music education" performed the following songs: Bekakhmet Mukhammetali sang the song "Atameken" and Myktybek Bekbosyn - "Kazakhstan". Student youth received full answers to their questions from veterans. At the end of the event, the head of the student youth theater "Syr Sandyk" E. Ermekbay read the dedication to the veterans of the Afghan war, and the vice-rector for educational work and social issues Nurbek Muratbek thanked the veterans.