Department of Finance

Turbekova Ulbala Uisbekkyzy
director of finance department
☎ Phone: +7 775 277 7580
✉ E-mail:
Reporting (Accounting) Department has been functioning as an independent structural unit of the university from September 1, 2022
Functions of the Department:
1. Making accounts and obligations of economic and financial transactions in accordance with the Standards of University financial report;
2. Preparing samples of documents on the basis of Standards;
3. Establishing the full information about business processes and business results of the University;
4. Controls the material, labor, financial use of Property in accordance with established Rules, Regulations and Estimates;
5. Counts and transfers taxes to the republican and local budgets, and prepare declaration reflecting the taxes;
6. Holds analytical and synthetic accounting of financial and economic activities of the University;
7. Maintains records of main and circulation funds, monetary funds of the University, execution flow of funds;
8.Сonducts timely inventory records of money resources and material value;
9. Protects the interests of the Institute of the relevant authorities involved in the accounting, reporting and financial control;
LLP University of Zh.Tashenev
IIN 220840031427
Kode 17
BIN 050941000204
"ForteBank" in Shymkent city
Address: Shymkent, Tokaev st., 27A
Phone: +7 775 277 7580