Innovation laboratories of Zh.A. Tashenev University
In order to widely distribute 30 educational programs, the laboratories located in the Faculty of "Pedagogical and Natural Sciences" of Zhumabek Akhmetuli Tashenev University were equipped with new equipment. On June 12, 2024, the director of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education G.S. Jarasova and Department specialist R. Kudratullaeva familiarized herself with the "General Physics", "Biology", "General Chemistry" laboratories, asked questions and suggestions to the employees, and gave a positive assessment of the condition and work of the laboratories.
In order to develop research skills in innovative laboratories, it is logical to digitize the educational system and develop the digital competence of teachers, to form the practical skills of students in preparation for their future profession, and to discuss and analyze work plans among students to develop the creative initiative independently, from the lesson in his spare time, he conducts chemical experiments, designs electrical circuits, restores physical devices and builds installations, makes mobile devices with his own hands, and uses demonstrations in practice.